Scott Radley Show

What's being done about Hamilton's rising gun violence? Why the drastic split in support for vs. against Canadian universities divesting from Israeli organizations? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson



What's with the rise in gun violence here in Hamilton? What's being done about it? Guest: Superintendent Marty Schulenberg, Hamilton Police Service - There's a massive split in the Canadian population's support for or against universities divesting from Israel and Israeli organizations. Why is this and how does the way we get our information impact our opinions? Guest: Jon Roe, Research Associate with Angus Reid - How might Mackenzie Hughes’ outstanding performance at the Canadian Open impact the way he’s viewed here at home? What kind of impact will referee tendencies have on the upcoming Stanley Cup final? And are you excited for this year's Grey Cup half time show? Surely, you will be after finding out who it is! This and more is on the docket for this week's edition of Sports Talk with Don Robertson. Guest: Don Robertson, Head Coach & Owner, Back-to-Back Defending Allan Cup Champion Dundas Real McCoys & Broker of Record, ComChoice Realty