

Ever had someone shoot down your dreams with their unsolicited advice? This episode is all about ignoring those naysayers and trusting your own gut.Too many people have given up on their dreams because of well intention but inexperienced family members, friends or complete strangers sharing their opinion when you least need it.So how do you deal with this? When is it best to actually listen versus create firm boundaries?What is a script you can use on your loved ones to get them on board instead?Don't worry I've got you covered!In this episode I share: ✅ What you can do when people give you advice that you don’t ask for✅ What's really going on for naysayers and why you need to set firm boundaries✅ How to get naysayers on board even if they don't believe or understand in what you're doingPlus you'll get a little book reading from my Amazon No #1 Bestseller Suck It Up, Princess. You can grab your copy here.This book is for women the world over who want to get over your excuses and get on with living a