Pen Pals With Daniel & Rory

RE: The Pigeon Mystery & The Loss of a Coworker



Dear Pennies and Pallers,  The first letter we read this week recounts a mystery involving dead pigeons, and we try to get to the bottom of it.  Then we open a package from a crafty Paller who made some amazing sashes for the parade!  In the second letter, a Paller tells us about her coworker who recently committed suicide and what a shock it was. Dan and Rory open up about their friend and fellow comedian who also was recently lost to suicide, Brody Stevens.  The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800- 273-8255. There are always people who care about you.   #positivepush  Sincerely,  Your Pen Pals Daniel & RorySee for privacy information.