

I have a very specific way of planning my week and after sharing a glimpse on social media, I got so many questions that I decided to record an episode taking you behind the scenes to show you exactly what I do and why. In the episode I share: 00:22 My Personal Struggles with Organization 02:04 Learning Time Management 05:49 Setting Clear Goals and Vision 07:53 Inside My Calendar: Planning and Color Coding 10:23 Morning Routine and Adjustments 12:33 Strategising and Team Coordination 16:32 Reviewing and Reflecting on Your Day 19:41 The Importance of Intentional Planning Watch the episode now and then try my planning method for next week. I bet you’ll be amazed how much more productive you can be (while feeling a lot less overwhelmed and stressed!). This week I have a special invitation for you for a free workshop I’m hosting! One of the most powerful things I’ve ever done for my business is build my email list. It’s generated millions of dollars in revenue over the years and I love teaching my system because