Knowing God With Greg Laurie

True Friendship | Sunday Message



Pastor Jonathan Laurie shares what a true friendship looks like to the godly person. Notes: “David did not know the rest of his story, he just knew that God was writing it, and it would ultimately be good. God has a future for you, too. Until that day, remember, ‘Our times are in His hands.’” —Pastor Greg Remember that we can always trust an unknown future to a known God. “True Friendship” 1 Samuel / Psalms 1 Samuel 18:1–4 1. A good friend is one who recognizes God’s Will. 1 Samuel 18:1–4 / Psalm 37:4–7 1 Samuel 20:30–33 “A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” —G.K. Chesterton Psalm 37:4–7 Matthew 6:33 If something makes you forget about God or not want to spend time with Him, you need to deny yourself of it … no matter how good you may think it is. Mark 8:36 2. A good friend is one who builds each other up. 1 Samuel 23:15–18 / Psalm 27:1–3, 14 Psalm 27:1–3 3. A good friend is one who is sacrificial. 1 Samuel 18:1–4 / Psalm 22 Sacrificial love is a type of love that i