Be Bold Begin

Why It's NEVER Too Late To Find Your Light With Jo Ann Richards, Author of Midlife Magic Episode 139



Do you ever tell yourself that you're too old to have what you truly desire? To take the time to make the changes that would literally SHIFT your life for the better?  My guest Jo Ann Richards is here to share that "it's never too late...and there is still so much to do". Now in her 60's she wrote her first book, left the Mormon church for a belief in fairies & UFO's (yes, you read that correctly) and is more excited and joyful about her life than ever before. She has found the magic that was always inside her and allowed the constraints of her own and other's judgements and rules to fall away. Today she is a self-proclaimed warrior who proudly carries the title, Wise Woman-Crone. JOIN ME IN: THE GODDESS SANCTUARY to heal the hustle & shift into your truest, empowered self => LEARN MORE - REGISTER FOR MY FREE MASTERCLASS =>