Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

What Newbie Startup Founders Need to Know



Please meet Seattle Entrepreneur and Mompreneur Melissa Strawn. She is the founder and CEO of - a peer-to-peer marketplace for services and directory of freelancers and gig workers. As a busy mom to five active boys, Melissa uses her own site daily and has incorporated many interesting features that aim to make the gig economy accessible to all.Melissa blogs at and is on a mission to transform the social services system into one that encourages and supports efforts toward meaningful self-sufficiency.How much do you love that mission?!I met Melissa on LinkedIn through Nick Hughes, the Founder of the international platform Founders Live. She is a role model for how to engage, connect and create meaningful conversations online… I just love how she moves and grooves through comments and posts, bringing smiles and ah-ha moments everywhere she glows.I’m so delighted Melissa is here to share her startup stories and her insights on what every newbie founder needs to know!T