Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

How to Find the Best Investor for Your Startup



"In the beginning, you don't want to waste your time trying to raise money of any kind from investors that are not inherently, organically interested in either you or your industry vertical. You are not going to convert those people to you. You want to go out and find the people that are already excited either about you or about the problem space that you're in. It's like starting with a warm audience." ~ Melissa Withers, Managing Partner, RevUp CapitalMelissa Withers is an experienced fund manager and business builder who has overseen investments in over 100 companies. She is currently a Founding Partner of RevUp Capital, a fund focused on B2B and B2C companies moving fast up a revenue-fueled growth curve. She’s a mentor in residence at TechStars Boston and she’s a strong advocate for closing the diversity gap in early stage investing. Hooray!Melissa's career began at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT, where she worked at the intersection of basic research, comm