Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

How a Human-Powered Tech Company Helps Users Achieve Their Wellness Goals



A former CPA and Forensics Examiner, Jessica Lynch, founder of WishRoute, kept hearing people say “I wish.” I wish I were healthier, I wish I were stronger, I wish I were happier. She realized there was a “wish epidemic,” and when her research showed 92% of Americans fail to follow through with their goals, Jessica knew she had to find a way to help people realize their full potential.Jessica shares: •her first startup story at the age of 10 (Hamsters are involved!)•how her brother’s diagnosis of juvenile diabetes led to her having a deep awareness of health and wellness•how the constant crises management life of a forensics examiner prepared her for being a founder•how low-tech customer-centric reiterations helped her build a successful text-messaged based, human powered tech company around constant customer feedback•the important but time-consuming process of bringing on an aligned CTO•how she manages feelings of isolation as a founder•how entrepreneurship has enhanced her life.A few fave quotes from our d