Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

EP 247 B2B Platform Transforming Mentorship and Career Support Within Corporations



A recent study reported the #1 reason people were quitting their jobs was due to a lack of career development and advancement.Serial entrepreneur Sandra A. Babu-Boateng is solving that problem with her new tech startup LegacyShift: a B2B market network platform that matches members with internal experts for skills training, mentorship and career support.Sandra personally experienced some of these issues during her corporate career, when she found herself unprepared to navigate corporate culture as a Black woman. Not seeing a pathway to growth and success, Sandra left corporate America to become a serial entrepreneur. Prior to launching LegacyShift, Sandra co-founded PanaGenius Inc., a U.S. based digital media company serving global Black audiences. As CEO, she built the company’s flagship brand Face2face Africa, into one of the largest Black-owned media platforms, reaching over 3 million monthly readers globally and engaging thousands of professionals and industry leaders in conferences each year. You can lea