Public Risk Management

Managing Your Medical Providers for Workers’ Compensation



On today’s show we hear from the Director of Risk Management and Employee Benefits for the Atlanta Independent School System, Jeffrey Thomas. What does it mean to Manage your Medical Providers? We may have all heard some of the following terms when in our work place when it comes to managing our employees and staff. MBO – management by objectives MBM – management by memorandum MBE – management by email MBWA – management by wandering around MBLSA – management by the last seminar attended However, today Jeffrey walks through with us how to manage through communication ensuring that you are imparting knowledge and bringing awareness to those you are managing. There needs to be clarity from both the sender and receiver to ensure that the communication has been understood. Strategies for Managing Your Medical Providers Most effective form of communication is direct, honest and face to face with the providers. Its important for the employer to drive the conversations so that the providers understand t