Weekly Zohar Study

BaMidbar 5784 (2024)



Human destiny is to reach greatness and connect the heaven with the earth - the body with the soul - physicality with spirituality. Humans cannot create success without cooperation with other individuals who expresses each, a different aspect of the Tree of Life. The cooperation among many different individuals creates the Tree of Life in this world. For guidance regarding counting the Omer, its meaning and purpose: https://livekabbalah.org/the-counting-of-the-omer For a short reading about this Parashah: https://livekabbalah.org/bamidbar Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations