Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 195: WILDERNESS Part 1 - The Call to the Wilderness



How do you WIN in the wilderness? The Israelites were led by God into the wilderness, not the enemy. In your life, when a season of walking through the wilderness comes, what is your perspective? Are you complaining? Are you looking back at the Egypt God pulled you out of and wishing to go back? Or are you looking for God in a new way? God brought the nation of Israel out into the wilderness, and He did not abandon them. In fact, He revealed Himself to them in a new, deeper way, and assured them that He was NEVER without them. In your wilderness season, God will never leave you. He wants to speak to you in new ways, reveal Himself in new and deeper ways, and He is leading you through the wilderness. So what is your heart posture as you go through a wilderness season?   Monologue: Autumn shares how she navigated a tough moment when her youngest daughter, Haven, came home after another child at school made fun of her for being adopted. Message: Autumn reminds believers that the enemy is not the one that puts th