Wise Women Conversations

Supporting Brain Health in Menopause



No, you’re not going crazy! You are likely experiencing typical symptoms of the menopause transition. In this episode of Menopause Conversations, we talk through the impact of Menopause on your Brain and address the increased concern many women have about developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia.   If you have a parent or grandparent with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, this does not have to be your story also.   Two thirds of people suffering from Alzheimer’s are women, it is the second leading cause of death in Australia and the leading cause of death in women.   While there has been a drastic increase in Alzheimer’s, there is also an increase in study and testing in the area leading to more diagnoses but also greater understanding of the contributing factors to this, how our brains change during menopause and what we can do to support our brain health and minimise risk.   In this episode we talk about: The connection between the brain & our hormones & how they communicate with each other. The symptoms