Cinema Psyops

CinePsyEP020 I Spit On Your Grave (1978)



Jan 4th, 2016 Cort reveals his latest invention when Matt accidentally walks in on Cort testing it’s functions and making sure it behaves as expected.  Cort has an unusual emotional outburst against 2015 because of all of the heroes that he lost in that year and can’t even muster himself for the full list. This surprising emotional outburst makes Matt very uncomfortable.  The Boys then discuss every nuanced response that was dragged out of them from the film and the topics dealt with in I Spit on Your Grave that are often overlooked.  All in all this episode examines the cultural and societal issues that make a polarized film like I Spit on Your Grave necessary to create a dialogue to eliminate the victimization and objectification of women.  Some may think this film is just exploitative trash, but Cort finds deeper meanings in this film and tries to explain what he thinks they are and is shocked when Matt sees some of the same themes and attempts at an artistic expression that may be far too overshadowed by