Cinema Psyops

CinePsyEP068 Pre-pocalypse Prep: TURBO KID



Dec 5th, 2016The inaugural episode of Pre-pocalypse Prep reveals how Matt And Cort came up with the idea live on air while covering TURBO KID. There is no surprise that Cort and Matt Loved TURBO KID and geek out on it throughout the entire episode.At the start of the show, Cort suggests that they do a short run of post apocalyptic movies with the tentative title “In Preparation for a Trump Presidency”. This initial Idea has gotten a terrific response from the show’s social media, even before this release.In addition to this response, there have been many great suggestions from all of you and Cort is compiling a list of those suggestions.   The tentative title “In Preparation for a Trump Presidency” has been dropped and the permanent title for this series is “Pre-pocalypse Prep”.Don’t Forget the contest guys and gals once we get 20 total honest reviews in iTunes and Stitcher, Cort will give away one brand new copy of Macabre from William Castle on DVD picked from those reviews and the winner will be given a ch