Cinema Psyops

CinePsyEP070 Pre-pocalypse Prep: Punishment Park



Dec 19th, 2016The Pre-pocalypse Prep series continues with Punishment Park.  The subject matter of the film elevates the discussion as both Matt and Cort discuss the failings of humanity and how we allow ourselves to be aligned with wickedness through our complacency.We dig deep into the messages and unravel the story threads of Punishment Park to fully dissect the film and examine what our roles as citizens mean in a developing plutocracy drenched in fascism.  The events of the film are examples of what has happened in human history and could happen again if we do not remain vigilant.Matt brings in some local PSYOP news and the boys get further disgusted by the events that occurred in a local High School.  The show is rounded out with punk rock and rage as we have a modicum of hope for our world to rebound.Find us in:iTunes: Play Music: