Rig Rundowns




Full Rig Info: https://www.premierguitar.com/videos/rig-rundown/loatheSubscribe to PG's Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribePGYouTubeLoathe is a challenging listen. In 10 years, they’ve released three dissimilar albums, a pair of pulverizing EPs, and a couple reinventive, collaborative covers (with Sleep Token and Teenage Wrist) of their own material, proving they thrive on juxtaposition and keeping your ears off guard. The Liverpool foursome morph from blissful dream state to Nightmare on Elm Street and everything in between. Their sound can be familiar like an old friend but thrilling like a first date. From the ashes of Our Imbalance’s pure metalcore madness—featuring guitarist/vocalist Erik Bickerstaffe, vocalist Kadeem France, and drummer Sean Radcliffe before recruiting guitarist Connor Sweeney and bassist Shayne Smith—rose the reformation that became the experimental Loathe in 2014. (Current bassist Feisal El-Khazragi replaced Smith in 2018 and Sweeney left the band in 2021.) Nu-metal bounce, djent precisi