Active Motif's Podcast

Mutations of Gene Regulatory Elements in Human Disease (Nadav Ahituv)



In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we talked with Nadav Ahituv from University of California, San Francisco about his work on mutations of gene regulatory elements in human disease. Using massively parallel experiments, his lab revolutionized functional genomics by studying the impact of transcription factor binding sites on gene expression. His groundbreaking technology deciphered the regulatory language of gene expression by exploring transcription factor combinations, spacing, and orientation. By delving into the influence of DNA shape and gene topology, Nadav Ahituv's research provides a comprehensive understanding of gene regulation at the molecular level, shedding light on the complexity of genetic interactions. The conversation delves into specific cases involving enhancers, gene sequencing, and 3D genomic structure, highlighting the impact of critical elements such as CTCF sites on gene expression. Discussions of haploid insufficiency and its implications for human health, using CRISPR techno