Passing The Torch

Ep. 54: Unseen Track with Jessi Smith



I had the pleasure of sitting down with Jessi Smith, a shining example of courage and commitment, whose transition from high school sports to the military encapsulates the essence of determination. Our conversation takes you through the corridors of Jessi's life, where a simple gesture from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln sparked a profound journey, demonstrating that the smallest acts can leave an indelible mark on our destiny. Join us as we delve into how Jessi's stint at Applebee's unknowingly laid the groundwork for her military success, underscoring the surprising ways our past experiences can shape our future.Navigating the complex terrain of motivation and emotional intelligence, Jesse and I pull back the curtain on what drives us to excel. We dissect the myriad ways people find encouragement, whether through public recognition or the quiet satisfaction of a job well done. The conversation takes a deeper turn as we explore the fabric of mental toughness, the power of personal choice,