Sonic Watermelons

Professor Elmo Terry-Morgan Visits Sonic Watermelons, April 5, 2016



Original Episode Title: Black, Lavender and Brown All Over: A Conversation about Rites and Reason Theatre and Africana Studies, April 5, 2016 *** Original Episode Date: April 5, 2016 *** Name of Guest(s): Elmo Terry-Morgan, Artistic Director of Rites & Reason Theatre, Associate Professor, Department of Africana Studies, and Department of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies *** Original Episode Summary: The Black Lavender Experience is coming up and Mojoscape recently passed. If these things don't sound familiar to you, then today is your show! Tune in today, Tuesday April 5 for a conversation about upcoming plays and initiatives coming out of Rites and Reason Theatre at Brown University. With details and insights from our guest Professor Elmo Terry-Morgan, we'll hear about "theatre and conversations sparked by queer artists of color" and how academia and art come together at Brown and beyond to contribute to national and global dialogues around Blackness. *** Contact Info for Guest(s): https://