Apostle Sydney Quaye

May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Twenty (Dream Again)



Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Apostle Sydney Quaye delivers a message emphasizing the power of the anointing to fulfill dreams. Quoting Dr. Myles Monroe, he highlights that the poorest person is one without a dream and the most frustrated is one with unfulfilled dreams, underscoring that dreams bring fulfillment and joy, aligning with God's larger plans for individuals. Apostle Quaye stresses that God's dreams for people are greater than their own, involving abundant blessings like building houses, living in an Eden-like state, and experiencing divine provision and health. The service focuses on prayers and seeking God's help in realizing these dreams. Using Genesis 37:6-8, Apostle Quaye illustrates the importance of dreams through Joseph's story, encouraging the congregation to dream big and declare their dreams openly, even if it incites envy or hatred. He frequently references Ephesians 3:20 to reinforce that God's power within us can achieve more than we can ima