Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 389 - Solar Arcs with natal chart



This week we are covering Solar Arcs Here are the books that cover them The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow The Modern Text Book of Astrology These are Amazon links & you can also find copies on and and other second hand book sellers I'm demonstraing how the two most important events that happened to me show up as Solar Arcs  (remembering of course that Solar Arcs don't have to involve the Sun!)   Move ALL the planets forward by One Degree for each year of life   Impact of my youngest sister being born when I was age 7 My natal Asc has shifted 7 degrees and is now exactly conjunct my natal Pluto     Death of my father age 22 Saturn (Dad) has shifted 22 degrees and is now exactly conjunct my natal Mars in Aquarius in the 6th house of health