Synchronicity With Noah Lampert

Ep. 22 - Actualizing with Ben Kovacs



Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ben Kovacs who I'm gonna call an actualizer-extraordinaire. Ben is a good old-fashioned renaissance man. In addition to working his day job at Twitter, Ben just founded Guardian Gym which aims to help urban populations and at-risk youth via martial arts. Ben also is co-founder of a marijuana accessory and lifestyle company called Myster. How's that for diversity? In addition to practical tips about how he's been able to cultivate success in his life, Ben has an especially refreshing perspective on work, life, helping others and synthesizing all of those thing together. Things Discussed In This Episode The genesis and mission behind Guardian Gym The importance of martial arts Being humble and developing confidence Having a purpose in life beyond making money Working at Twitter Ben's relationship with marijuana The future of marijuana (normalization) The benefits of microdosing LSD Yoga and marijuana How to cultivate happiness The practical benefits of following yo