Synchronicity With Noah Lampert

Ep. 23 - Marijuana and More with Davis Clayton Kiyo



My guest today is business owner and marijuana lifestyle advocate slash activist, Davis Clayton Kiyo. Davis and I went to the same high school but didn't really know each other too well back then. Since ye olden days he's embarked on a new career centered around one of my favorite things in life: marijuana. You may remember my last guest, Ben Kovacs, is a co-founder of a company called Myster. Well, Davis is the other co-founder. You'll hear it in the episode but Davis has a creative and energetic spirit that is palpable and contagious. Davis also relays a very interesting story about a near death experience someone he knows had and how that altered his view of reality and death. We talk about a whole host of topics including: Davis' parents being Donald Trump supporters Bringing more awareness into your life The pros and cons of marijuana use (mostly the pros) Normalization of marijuana in culture and society An interesting legal situation Davis is in right now Hacking the voter system The knowability of th