Synchronicity With Noah Lampert

Ep. 29 - Sah D'Simone



My guest today is holistic nutritionist and extremely advanced soul, Sah D'Simone. You'll be hard pressed to find a more genuine and authentic spiritual seeker than Sah. Also, if you're interested in nutrition and health for the mind/body/soul Sah is available for consults and sessions. Sah is incredibly awesome and I encourage you to learn more about him on his website This is a short episode post today because I just had a baby (well, technically my wife Alexis did) so my life is insane right now. That said, enjoy the episode! Be sure to subscribe to Synchronicity if you haven't already. Oh yeah and this week's book giveaway is "Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism" by Chogyam Trungpa. Join the Synchronicity Community and you're automatically entered in each weeks book giveaway contest.