Transformative Principal

No Fuss Fundraising for Catholic Schools with John Mihalyo Transformative Principal 599



The difference between a catholic school and a public school. System of Schools rather than a school system. Creating a culture of giving in the school community.What’s the cost to educate?How to be clear on what you’re doing as the advancement progresses.Friendraising vs. Fundraising The foundations we have come from elementary schoolsIt takes time to grow the office, have a clear purpose for the goals of the offices. Catholic Schools compete against themselves in fundraising. Get everyone on the same page. Moved their role from fundraising entities to friendraising entities. Have the visionHelp people put their guards down and put the vision of the school first. It’s very personal to them. Bring them into the fold and have them help the advancement office. No Fuss Fundraising Tie it to a vision and people get the value. Don’t put your fundraising into salaries. 90% of problems - consistency, communication, curb appeal.Connecting Catholic School LeadersNeeding to refresh and grow together. About John Mihalyo