Roy Green Show

May 19: Joe Warminton, Canadian history being cleansed? Rewritten?



Statue dedicated to Private Alexander Watson removed from St. Catharines city hall after 138 years and moved to a local cemetery. Reason, Watson, from St. Catharines, fought with the 90th Winnipeg Battalion Rifles in the Northwest Resistance, or Rebellion. He died in 1885 from wounds suffered in battle and the people of St. Catharines erected the statue of him in 1886. - Canadian history being cleansed?  As well, our guest Joe Warmington of the SUN papers wrote about this story and yesterday with his young son visited the home of Canada's first prime minister Sir John A MacDonald in Kingston, Ontario. Joe is troubled by how MacDonald is portrayed there. Does Canada's history deserve to be treated this way, or can we learn from the past and forge a better path forward?  Guest: Joe Warmington. SUN papers columnist. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit