Share Talk Ltd

Bluebird Merchant Ventures (LON:BMV) Executive Director Aidan Bishop spoke to Zak Mir



Share Talk took the opportunity to talk to Aidan Bishop today, the share price in the past month has reached 125% with news from the farm-out  deal for the Gubong gold project in South Korea and the Declaration Of Mining Project Feasibility Work Commencing At The Batangas Gold Project In The Philippines Bluebird has completed a $5 million farm-out deal for the Gubong gold project in South Korea. This agreement incorporates a free carry arrangement, allowing the company to delay additional investments until specific milestones are achieved. The Gubong project, which holds an estimated 1.3 million ounces of gold, is pivotal to the company's strategy to evolve into a junior gold producer. Bluebird intends to replicate this joint venture model across other projects, utilizing local partnerships and the technical know-how of the Bluebird team to reduce development risks and enhance production efficiency. "Momentum is crucial..." Aiming for an annual production of 82,000 ounces (with a 40% stake held by BMV), al