Iron Sharpens Iron

What Does the Bible Say About Friendship? (EP. 223)



Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Ryan and Tony are back for Week 3 of The Friend Series as we take a look at friendship in the Bible. From Lazarus and Jesus to David and Jonathan, the Bible provides several examples of really solid friendships. Friendship takes intentionality and effort and Jesus models true friendship for us in His life of ministry. His friends were the faithful men who carried on the mission of Jesus after his death. The story of David and Jonathan, another great example of friendship in the Bible. David meets Jonathan and they become friends, even though David and Saul are essentially political rivals. That’s what makes this friendship so shocking. Jonathan was more concerned with God’s plans than his own plans. David and Jonathan were great friends because they served a great God together. That was the most important part of their friendship. How can we apply this type of friendship and obedience to our own lives? You need a friend