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1026. The Key to Sustainable Sales: Prospects, Referrals, Reactivations, and Upsells



In this episode of The Kelly Roach Show, Kelly explores her extraordinary journey of achieving a 250% year-over-year growth for three of her companies in the first quarter, laying the foundation for sustainable sales. She emphasizes the importance of leadership, execution, and maintaining an intense daily focus, irrespective of the product or market.  Kelly outlines a strategic approach to business growth, highlighting the crucial roles of sales, retention, renewals, and complete billing. She shares insights on establishing a systematic, freedom-based business anchored in effective processes and a strong team. Additionally, Kelly introduces her innovative "daily profit push" method, which guarantees consistent sales and empowers her team. Also in this episode:  Achieving significant growth in any business, regardless of the economy, requires a strategic approach to leadership, execution, and an intense daily focus. A sustainable service-based business relies on managing and growing sales from prospects,