Prepping Academy

"MAY HAM" Ham radio in May. 3 Paths PrepperNet is advocating in amateur radio.



Welcome to the "MAY HAM" episode of the Prepping Academy Podcast! In this episode, we delve into the three communication paths that PrepperNet advocates to help people achieve greater preparedness. These paths are essential for staying connected during emergencies and disasters:1. Shortwave & SDR with Digital & Voice (Receive-Only): Shortwave radio and Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) are crucial for receiving information over long distances. We explore how to leverage these technologies effectively.2. Technician License - Handheld or Mobile (Local Only): Getting a Technician License opens up the world of local communication using handheld or mobile radios. We discuss the importance of this license and how to get started.3. HF Digital, QRP, JS8Call, FLDigi, WinLink: High-Frequency (HF) digital modes like JS8Call, FLDigi, and WinLink, combined with QRP (low power) operations, provide robust communication options. We share insights into using these tools effectively.Join us at PrepperNet.Net and