Apostle Sydney Quaye

May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Fifteen (Great Grace - Great Power)



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye addresses the common issue of believers losing faith in prayer due to unmet expectations. He emphasizes the importance of persistent prayer and shares personal testimonies of its powerful results. Drawing from Ephesians 1:19-22, Apostle Quaye highlights the "exceeding greatness of God's power" available to believers. He describes this power as "endless energy" and "boundless strength," capable of transforming every aspect of a believer's life—health, marriage, career, and more. Apostle Quaye calls on Christians to understand and exercise their divine heritage, asserting that the Holy Spirit's power enables them to achieve excellence and effect change. He concludes with a powerful call to action, urging believers to actively engage in prayer and demonstrate God's transformative power in their lives. This episode is a compelling reminder of the spiritual authority that believers possess