

  Money is a wonderful servant but a poor master. When you focus on serving others, on genuinely contributing to their lives, money becomes a natural reward for your efforts. On today’s episode #309 - Manifesting Passive Income we dive deep into welcoming money into your life in so many different avenues that are available to you.  You are not just building a passive income; you are building a legacy of help and healing.    We chat all about  Money is a reward, not the goal Transitioning to passive income  Creating digital products How to start today   This message will leave you with the confidence and strength to step bolding into passive income and stay in alignment with your own values and mission. People need what you have to offer and its time to give it to them in your full power.   Victoria Gallagher is a worldwide leader in Hypnotherapy, a #1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Life Success Coach, and Renowned Authority on the Law of Attraction. She has dedicated her life to empower