Parks N Wrecked

Be Ice Cream or Be Nothing



Leslie and Ben are celebrating their anniversary, but Leslie’s too busy trying to manage a spat between Pawnee and Eagleton. That means Larry is the lucky recipient of all of Ben’s thoughtful gifts, including a couples massage, a horse-drawn carriage, and ballroom dancing lessons.Meanwhile, April leaves a mean message about Donna on Yelp, Ron takes on veganism and frozen yogurt, and a couple celebrating their 50th anniversary bickers a whole lot. We also get our first glimpse of the Unity Concert! Such exciting times.Plus, Haleigh is upset at many things, we reminisce about the time Sean guzzled wine during his birthday party and got a bunch of comedians mad at him during another birthday party, and the absurdity of Pokemon battles.Also, we apologize for the technical difficulties at the beginning of this episode. Technology is real dumb, y’all. Speaking of which, here’s a great article about TikTok that shows how addictive social media is.EPISODES6, E14: AnniversariesDRINKS OF THE EPISODEA White Wine Blend f