I Thought I Knew How

Episode 002: Hand Knitting is Not Machine Knitting



002: Hand Knitting is Not Machine Knitting Released: February 12, 2019 In this episode, Anne talks in greater detail about the preliminary swatch she talked about in the last episode. Specifically, she talks about how the imperfections nearly halted her progress for good, until some wise words silenced the negative voice in her head. It may seem like a minor thing, but we often get caught up on the imperfections in the "minor things" and keep ourselves from doing bigger things as a result. We are not machines, and shouldn't hold ourselves to a standard of constant perfection. It's ok to make mistakes, as long as we learn along the way and we fix the things we can. Anne moves on to discuss a series of items she finished in the last two weeks. Visit her Ravelry account for photos and information about the Loving Embrace shawl, cacti, Grosgrain Hat, and Girlfriends cowls. Anne has been knitting for over 20 years and has never knit socks. She needs to start learning the ins and outs of the process before she