I Thought I Knew How

Episode 004: Slow Down, Buckaroo



004: Slow Down, Buckaroo Released: March 12, 2019 In this episode, Anne shares what she learned while knitting the first and second swatches of the Master Hand Knitting Program. Thank You for your Pattern Help Anne asked, and listeners responded. A couple of great recommendations came in for Anne's request for a good beginner's sock pattern. Michelle recommended Anne try the Hermione's Everyday Socks pattern, available for free on Ravelry. Nancye from Dragonfly Fibers suggested she pick up a copy of Knitting Rules by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. It hadn't arrived by the time this episode was recorded, but Anne has it now. It has both a "recipe" for socks and an actual pattern, so Anne will be drawing from that as well! Thank you! Knitting Techniques The first two swatches involve knitting K2, P2 and K1, P1 ribbing. In the podcast, Anne discusses three techniques that helped her neaten up ribbing. Listen to the episode to learn more about why ribbing can be tricky and how these techniques might help yo