I Thought I Knew How

Episode 005: Tension



005: Tension Released March 26, 2019 In this episode, Anne talks about her tension issues with the third swatch of the Master Hand Knitter Program, plus a correction, music to knit by, projects she's been working on, a charity knitting opportunity, and the first giveaway of the podcast! A Correction In the last episode, Anne planned to knit the ribbing for swatch 2 of the Master Hand Knitting Program in smaller needles, but a listener pointed out that the instructions spell out that you should use the same needles. So, thank you to Julie for saving Anne from having to reknit the swatch! Progress on Swatch 3 Swatch three is a seed-stitch swatch, but without proper, consistent tension, gaps appear at the transition from purl to knit. After many attempts resulting in slow improvement, Anne has decided to stop knitting the swatch and, instead, will be knitting a seed stitch scarf, which should give her plenty of practice without ruining the yarn she needs for her MHK swatches! On and Off the Needl