I Thought I Knew How

007: I'm Just a Teenage Knitter, Baby



007: I'm Just a Teenage Knitter, Baby. Released May 7, 2019 In this episode, Anne realizes she knits like a teenager lives, and that's ok. Winner-winner! Congratulations to BohneJl on Ravelry who won the giveaway from episode 6! The prize was a bag from LittleComfortsAtoZ, a hank of hand-spun alpaca, and a set of stitch markers. Enjoy them! To celebrate the winner coming from the Ravelry group, there was a bonus giveaway added for those who are members. Check the thread for details. This additional giveaway will likely be repeated in the future, so be sure to join the group Progress on the Master Hand Knitter Program Anne began work on her seed stitch scarf to practice for the swatch, and found that by pushing the stitches so the next few stitches were on the tapered area of the needle, she could create a more uniform fabric. Progress! Ooh, la la! Not perfect, but getting better! It also helped to only work on it when she can give it her complete attention. Multi-tasking has been relegated