I Thought I Knew How

Episode 009: Catching Up and Keeping Up



009: Catching Up and Keeping Up Released June 4, 2019 In this episode, Anne needs to catch up on her Master Hand Knitting work and uses podcasts to help her catch up with the online knitting community. Winner-winner! Congratulations to Sparky136 from Ravelry for winning the Episode 8 giveaway! She won by sharing some advice for new knitters. A Good Project to Test the MHK Waters Alex's Blanket is a simple baby blanket pattern that incorporates several of the stitch patterns and skills you need to demonstrate mastery of for the Master Hand Knitter Program. If you have been thinking about going through the program yourself, cast on for this project and give it your all! Pay close attention to your tension, research ways to improve, and get a sense for whether you'd enjoy the program. If being hyper-aware of your knitting makes you feel anxious, maybe it's not the time. But if you enjoy the challenge and insight that comes from this "test," you should think about joining up! Progress on the Ma