I Thought I Knew How

Episode 033: Aftermath



Anne recaps the Online International Fiber Festival, shakes up the online knit togethers, reviews some patterns, and more! Links to Things Mentioned in this Episode Support the show directly on Patreon or Ko-fi! The I Thought I Knew How Facebook Group, where you can find the link to the online knit togethers. Or, email Anne directly for the link at anne @ family podcasts . com (remove all spaces) Terri Spin’s class information Terri Laura’s class information Cold Pale Moon pattern Jamieson’s of Shetland Soft Shetland is now their Heather Aran. Pingouin’s Shetland et Lin. US10.75 needles by Chiagoo US10.875 needles by Chiagoo Purl Together tutorials for Cold Pale Moon. The Online International Fiber Festival is still up and available for late comers! Find the classes, vendors, recipes and events mentioned in the podcast in the Daily Itineraries. The OIFF Ravelry Group Fairmount Fibers Manos Del Uruguay’s Alpaca Heather Racha Shawlette pattern Morehouse Farm Music Mae E Klingler’s “Adventurers We” and Sean Tait