I Thought I Knew How

Episode 036: Wonderful Wool



In this episode, Anne gets into the knitty-gritty of why wool is such a wonderful fiber. Yes, even in summer! Links to Things Mentioned in the Episode Visit the Be a Booster page for links to the Patreon, Ko-Fi, and sponsor links! Or, please rate the show on iTunes, or use the rating system within the podcasting app you use. Katie’s Kep, by Wilma Malcolmson. Morehouse Yarn kits for the Katie’s Kep. Crofthoose Hat, by Ella Gordon. Shwook Hat, by Hazel Tindall. Museum of Ceramics in East Liverpool, Ohio. Wool 101 lecture on YouTube, presented by Roy Kettlewell. Terri Laura, Julie Dennison, and their wonderful art collaboration on the amazing benefits of wool. Brown Sheep Nature Spun Worsted. (Use coupon code ITIKH2020 for free shipping!) Basic Norwegian Star Hat. The Ravelry page for my Ma’s recreated shawl, along with basic instructions. Susan Bates Finishing Needles. (I thought they were $3, but it’s about $7.) Visit YarnPond.com to find opportunities to test knit for designers. Shawls, Wraps, and Scarves, b