I Thought I Knew How

Episode 060: Shetland Lace



In this episode, Anne does as deep a dive into Shetland lace as is possible in about 35 minutes of air time. Please pick up one or more of the books below to learn more, and visit the organizations listed to support the preservation of Shetland lace knitting in Shetland. Links to Things Mentioned in the Show Visit Island Vista's Website to learn more about the Makkin Our Way Through Shetland Trips, including the new dates in May and August of 2022. Registration will begin July 6, so please check back. The UK's Heritage Crafts Association Margaret Stuart's patterns on Ravelry The Shetland Trader Anne Eunson on Instagram and Ravelry Kathleen Anderson on Ravelry Helen Robertson Sheila Fowlie Lauren Anderson Fiberworld I91 Shop Hop Organizations that Study and Teach Shetland Lace Shetland Museum and Archives, including the Lace Project Unst Heritage Centre Shetland Textile Museum Shetland Peerie Makkers Shetland Wool Week  Books and Materials Used as Reference in this Episode A Stitch in Time: Unst's Fine Lace Kn