Satellite Sisters

Alan Alda With Advice on Surviving Elections + Holidays: Communicating With Empathy. Replay 2018.



REPLAY FROM 2018: We have elections and holidays coming up so we decided to reshare this Satellite Sisters Family Dynamics Special with Alan Alda. He talks to us about improving family communications, communicating with empathy and always being willing to change. Are we? Well...not always. He shares great communication tools with us here and on his own podcast Clear + Vivid.   Father Greg Boyle about Compassion, Kinship and How To Help Others with Alan Alda on Clear + Vivid in 2018. Cheryl Strayed Gives Advice on How To Give Advice with Alan Alda on Clear + Vivid. FBI Hostage Negotiator Chris Voss with Alan Alda on Clear + Vivid. The Satellite Sisters always say "Not every conversation will change your life, but any conversation can." This conversation with a longtime favorite Satellite Mister proves how true that is. We are grateful to him for this great pep talk. Satellite Sisters will be back with a new episode on November 8, 2022. More: Cooking With Liz: The Soup Edition will is posted on our Satellite