Battles Of The First World War Podcast

A Review of “Pershing’s Tankers: Personal Accounts of the AEF Tank Corps in World War I,” edited by Lawrence M. Kaplan



A review of Lawrence Kaplan’s new book, “Pershing’s Tankers: Personal Accounts of the AEF Tank Corps in World War I,” and a couple of excerpts from men of the AEF 301st Tank Battalion.   Book link here:   Order it from your local bookstore so that you support your local businesses.  The BFWWP is on Patreon:    Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, Follow us on Twitter at @WW1podcast, the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook, and on Instagram at @WW1battlecast. Not into social media? Email me directly at Please consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes.