Sound Bites With Melissa Joy Dobbins

001: The Power of Protein - Interview with Doug Paddon-Jones



Welcome to my Sound Bites podcast where we delve into the science, psychology and strategies behind good food and nutrition. Today’s topic is PROTEIN in our diets and it’s relationship to muscles, metabolism, aging and more. I’m fascinated by the emerging research on this topic for many reasons. First, we’re always hearing about the other macronutrients: carbohydrates/grains and fat (especially saturated fat) – it seems like we hardly ever hear about protein or give it much thought. However, what we DO tend to hear about protein is kind of dismissive: i.e. American’s get enough protein so why talk about it?! But I've seen some compelling research and I want to know: Are we REALLY getting enough protein? Are we paying enough attention to protein in our diets? Do we need a reality check when it comes to some of the assumptions we hear and perpetuate in the media? Today my guest is Dr. Doug Paddon-Jones, Professor of Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX.  He current