United Public Radio

Spirit Switchboard -Kristy Shellhorn - Cryptids



Spirit Switchboard May 10th, 2024 Episode #55 Topic: Cryptids: Chickcharney Guest: Kristy Shellhorn This week Spirit Switchboard welcomes back fan favourite, my sister, Kristy Shellhorn. We will be talking about those cryptids that maybe we wouldn't mind crossing paths with, sharing our lunch with or maybe offering up a quick belly rub. Cryptids such as the elusive Chickcharney. Message from Kerrilynn: I want to hear from you! I want to hear about your ghost stories, paranormal adventures, and high-strangeness occurrences. I would also love your show suggestions to cover in the future. Email me at kerrilynn.shellhorn@gmail.com. If you enjoy the content on the channel, please support Spirit Switchboard by hitting like, subscribe, and share. My deepest gratitude to you all! A formal disclaimer: The opinions and information presented or expressed by guests on Spirit Switchboard are not necessarily those of the Host or the United Public Radio Network and its producers. As always Spirit Switchboard strives to hold