New Rules Podcast

E48: Eyes Wide Shut: The Hidden Cost of Decisions



Are your eyes wide shut to the cost of the decisions you make? As a leader, every choice you make comes with its own set of losses, gains, and sacrifices to be made with both.  In this week’s episode, we'll explore the intricate balance of weighing these costs and benefits. We discuss the value of having a deep understanding of the choices you make so you can be prepared for the ramifications– both positive and negative and how to lead with dignity when you find yourself stuck in a choice you have made. By acknowledging the hidden costs of decisions, leaders can navigate challenges with clarity and purpose. Check out our previous episode E12: Benefits of Toxic Leadership where we discuss what can happen when you find yourself in a less than ideal environment linked here: Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authentically yourself. M