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#33 Something I have never told anyone



Love, Live, Transform - Joseph Clough I want to be honest with you. I wanted to take a moment out to give you a little bit of insight of a thought/feelings I have had over the last few years. Its something I have not told anyone, but I think its an important point to share. In fact for the first time ever I asked a friend to look over it to make sure it would be of value to you. I am human, and like all of you I have moments where things hit me out of the blue. Over the last few years I have had certain thoughts, some might say 'dark' or 'depressed' thoughts, although I see it differently, I see them as a process of awakening. Sometimes when I look out into the world or consider the magnitude of suffering thats going on from people who are close to the edge who feel alone and given up on, those who are being abused, children starving through famine, to worn torn places where people see horrendous sights. From the abuse and neglect of animals and from animals being hunted and killed for our cosmetic needs or