Waking Up With Melissa Ruiz




In this episode of Waking Up with Melissa, I sit down with a very special guest, Samantha Chung, a mindset and manifestation expert on a mission to help people wake up and live fully as their authentic self. Being your true self is the sweetest experience as a human, regardless of external markers of success. Discover how shedding layers of self-worth, judgment, and right versus wrong thinking is a continual unlayering process towards our authentic selves. Join us as we delve into the process of shifting our perspectives and embracing our true identities. A BREAKDOWN OF THIS EPISODE [07:39] Focusing on possibilities rather than limitations [14:40] Embracing your true self [20:19] Taking responsibility instead of blaming others [40:19] Creating something reflective of the true self [45:05] Embracing change and authenticity ➳ Words to live by: “Decide to take responsibility for your life, shift your perspective and become a conscious creator of positive outcomes." “Remember, we are both the human and the